Indonesia Vapor Group was established in 2014 and is engaged in the e-cigarette industry.
Until now, Indonesia Vapor has sever-al subsidiaries, each of which has specifications in the field of electric cigarettes, including events, electric cigarette raw materials, logistics, legal, and others.
Until now, PT Indonesia Vapor group has approximately 250 employees
In the future, Indonesia Vapor Group will continue to innovate in all industrial fields and will continue to grow.
President Commissioner Indonesia Vapor Group
Chief Executive Officer Indonesia Vapor Group
“If you want to reach a goal, you must “see the reaching” in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.”
Pros at what they do
The quest to finding perfect products has attracted professionals from different disciplines to Indonesia Vapor Group. From Vapers to scientists, all of them have the passion and experience to do what they know is the best. Everyone at Indonesia Vapor Group is an expert in their craft. And more importantly, we are always ready to explore and experiment in order to keep on delivering products your body will thank you for using.
Things we believe in
1. Indonesia Vapor Group is a story, not a product
2. Do it right, or don't do it at all
3. Experiment more
4. Live passionately
5. Tell the truth
6. Don’t let someone tell you that you can’t do something
7. Take risks
8. Exceed your limits
9. Don’t like something because everybody else does
10. Stay a rebel